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Architecture Academy


The Architecture Pathway of Fremont High School will challenge students to become independent, creative and critical thinkers with the skills to succeed and excel in careers or college after graduation. They will develop an understanding of how design can affect people and their experiences, and how they can use the design process to improve their environment and lives. 


Students in the Architecture Pathway will develop transferable skills through career experiences in the Architecture field and create original products using the principles of design. Through the use of technology and cross-curricular learning around academy themes, students will develop and demonstrate their ability to produce research, projects, and presentations that are relevant and responsive to the needs of their community.

Course Sequence

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
English 1 English 2 English 3, AP Lang English 4, AP Lit
Algebra 1, Geometry Geometry, Algebra 2 Algebra 2,
Math Analysis
Biology Chemistry Physiology,
AP Biology, Physics
AP Biology, Physics
Humanities World History,
AP World History
US History,
AP US History
Government & Economics,
AP Government
Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education
Theater I - Intro to Theatre Immediate Theater Advanced Theater Advanced Theater
Spanish 1
Spanish 1 or 2
EPH 2 or 3
Spanish 1, 2, or 3
EPH 2 or 3, or AP Spa
Spanish 1, 2, or 3
EPH 2 or 3, or AP Spa
Exploring Computer Science Arch. Design and Drafting/Construction Tech 1 Graphic Design/Construction Tech 2 Design-Build
(Graphic Design CTE concurrent for students who haven't taken it)